Breaking News!!!

Chase, here, Lovely Buddies,
Well, actually, I had to whisper this post into Belinda's ear, and she is at the screen right now, typing this for me. You'll understand why in a minute.

Today started out like any other day at the Bond Head Luxury Pet Hotel. Belinda and I went for a walk in the back yard before she had to leave for church. Belinda spotted a fox, but I didn't see him this time. Instead, she mentioned the word, "Treat," and we both headed inside at a fast trot, leaving the bunnies of Bond Head to wily Mr. Fox.

After she came back from church, she called my bluff with the halter and leash again, and as I lay on the rug, she gave a soft tug, opened the door, and I was up and out in a jiffy! Even humans need a tug sometimes to get off the couch and go for a walk!

We had just got back when Belinda saw a message on FB. It was from Mom and Dad, Peter and Beth. Oh, my goodness, they were back!!! And they were coming to pick me up!!

Belinda packed my blue bag that says, "Unpack the Joy," with my kong, food, little blankie, and treats.

Then we sat in the sun porch to wait for Mom and Dad's big blue car.

I sat on Belinda's knee and looked out for them, and when I saw them I jumped off and ran to say hello!!
What a lovely time I had at the BHLPH. I tried to repay Belinda's kindness by keeping her feet well groomed. If she wasn't so ticklish, I could have done an even better job. Well, it's the thought that counts and I did my best.

I hear that I may be coming back in January. Meanwhile, rumour has it that Fifa, another celebrity dog, has just booked a visit for July when her people have an anniversary trip booked. This made Belinda happy, and me too. I wouldn't want her to be lonely. Fifa has a backstory that Belinda is going to write about here. I guess I'll leave the keyboard to her for now.

It has been great sharing my adventures with all of you. It was a fantastic part of being here.  I love you, and if I could, I would give all of you a lovely foot licking. You can only imagine how lovely that would be--you can see on the last photo below what you're missing. Yes, sigh, it's the thought that counts. Over and out! Chase xxxxx


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