Hello, My Friends,
Image may contain: people sitting and indoorChasie here! I can't wait to tell you about my day. The photos aren't in the right order, but I only have paws to use on the keyboard. I think I'm doing very well all things considered. The photo with the rocking chair is when I was waiting patiently for Belinda to finish getting ready this morning. I did my best to help her speed up a little. While she brushed her teeth I licked and exfoliated her feet. I do a good job of getting between the toes. If only she'd cooperate-- but she is very ticklish and keeps her toes as tightly together as she can, trying to cover up one foot with the other while laughing hysterically, which does interfere with the toothbrushing--but there's no stopping me--i like to send my people out to the world well groomed because I do love and take pride in them.
Image may contain: plant, tree, grass, flower, outdoor and natureWe were out and about in the best part of the day. At one point it sounded as though every bird in the world was chirping and singing overhead as we walked!
Image may contain: dogWe saw a Bond Head bunny on neighbour Jim's lawn. It just watched as we walked by, not scared at all because the word has spread that Chase, Defender of Bunnies is in the village and she must have recognized me by my tail.

The one with my halter and leash on is to show Peter and Beth that Belinda telling me where we were going didn't help me like being in the halter. I go on strike the moment they're on. Belinda just put the leash down after the photo and left without me. Well, I couldn't have that, so I clanked my way after her with my ball and chain--I mean my leash. 
I only had one small episode today. Belinda's back yard isn't fenced, and, well, okay, I tried to chase her neighbour, Mike, from his own lawn. I barked at him fiercely, but he just ignored me. I couldn't get him to run like the fox. Eventually, my red haze of indignation cleared, and I could hear Belinda's voice as if from far away, calling in a very commanding way for me to, "Come back, right now!" It took me a while to calm my fierceness down and turn into cute Chasie, but I did it!
Image may contain: people sitting, bedroom and indoorBecause it was the Long Weekend, Belinda sat on the couch so I could cuddle while she read a book. I like cuddling and snuggling in the big cushions.
In the afternoon we went back outside and I picked up a stick and dropped it to show Belinda that I like to play Chase the Stick, and be chased with the stick. We had so much fun running around after the stick and each other with the stick. Belinda thought that one of the neighbours was watching from her window and tried to act a little more dignified, but I'll bet she wanted to come out to play with us.
Image may contain: dog and indoorI was so tired that I lay down in my upside down chicken dinner position and went to sleep. Oh, there's a tiny clip of me listening for fireworks. I have exceptional hearing and even like to listen to the birds.
Belinda's going to get the coffee pot filled for the morning, so I'm going to get into my furry pyjamas. We are both yawning!! Goodnight!
Your friend, Chasie xxx 👀💤💤


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