Dear Wonderful Friends,
It's your friend, Chase, here, with another day and lots to show and tell you!
First, I thought I'd show you my "kit" that came with me when I arrived last Monday evening. I went with a blue bag that had the words, "Unwrapping the Joy." That was a little clue to Belinda that she would be doing precisely that every day, while I am here. My food is from Chicken Soup for the Soul. That's because Mom and Dad (Peter and Beth) love me and only give me the best food. The Cesar Softies are my treats. I get those when I listen and "stand down" from barking at shadows. As soon as I stop, Belinda tells me that I'm such a good boy, and gives me a treat. I am so cute when I sit up and beg that she can never stop at just one! Hehehe!

Belinda's friend, Susan, popped I for a quick visit on her way to Nova Scotia. I liked her right away and could tell she has a sweet doggie at home. I heard her name is Gogo!
After Susan left, Belinda said we were going to walk to the post office. I shook myself and got ready to be chased by Belinda with the harness. Really I was shaking out my invisible cape, just in case I needed it.
On our way to the post office, we met a neighbour named Krista, with her sweet puppy, Fresca, who is a cockapoo and only a few weeks old. She doesn't know all the ropes yet, but Krista is doing her best to teach her!
Later on, when Belinda sat in the rocking chair in her bedroom to do some reading, I spotted two soft toys in the bay window. I was so excited, I grabbed them! But then Belinda said they were hers and made me give them back. They are supposed to be Paul and Belinda! 

For the rest of the day, I played with my kong. I love knocking it around with my nose so that bits of food fall out. Belinda is amazed that whenever she asks me, "Where is your kong?" I think for a minute but always go right to wherever I left it and fetch it. I always know where it is. I am a smart doggie and understand a lot of what people say.
Well, my PJs are on already, and Belinda is ready to call it a day, too. She wishes she had furry PJs like mine so that we matched! Lol!
Goodnight! Chase xxx🐶🐾💤


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